​Adam's Dream

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Adam's Dream

Author: Salleh ben Joned

Publisher: Silverfish

ISBN: 9789834616083

Weight: 0.220kg

Year: 2007

Page: 128pp

Price : RM36

This is Salleh ben Joned's first book of poems since Sajak Sajak Saleh (or Poems Sacred and Profane) and it is entirely in English. Salleh says in his forward that, although English is not his first language - he only learned it in his teens - he has two main reasons for writing in English. Firstly, he thinks that a big majority of his readers seem to be non-Malays, and, secondly, My satires in Malay, the use of humour, parody, irony puns and other forms of word-play seem to have been taken wrongly by most of the Malay readers. Adam's Dream is an intensely personal collection of poems, to make you laugh out loud or cry or to ponder over.

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